Friday, April 13, 2018

Ostara Top 12

We have moved past Ostara and are headed like a comet toward Beltane/Walpugisnacht. During my Ostara celebration at the end of last month I composed a list of ways that we can enjoy the gifts of the goddess this spring. I'm going to try to take pictures of me performing each item of the list but we'll have to see. 
1. Meditate on something you want to do this spring. Maybe you want to plant something, maybe you want to visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Meditate on the joyful results you wish to manifest.
2. Spend some time organizing a room in your home. Make sure it works for your needs. If you are always ramming your knee into a table, try moving it. If you can never find the remotes, try making a small space just for them.
3. Eat something you enjoy very slowly and meditate on the way it makes you feel and imagine it becoming fuel for your body and thank the Goddess for the gift of the food.
4. Spend some time being creative in nature. Draw a picture, write a poem, or take a picture (or do all three) of something beautiful that the Goddess has given you.
5. Wake up at dawn and greet the morning. You might light incense or read a poem to the Sun. Let the Sun and the Goddess know that you are thankful for the lengthening days.
6. Go outside at sunset and greet the Night. Cherish it, for it grows shorter each day until Midsummer. Ask the darkness to watch over you as you sleep.
7. Play in the mud.

8. On a windy day, go outside and dance. Observe the way everything moves around you and let nature teach you the moves.
9. Open up all the windows of your house to let in the fresh spring air! Let the Goddess’s breath flow through the rooms and renew the life force of your home.
10. Put a flower in your hair, or behind your ear. Wear it all day to remind you of your connection to the growing earth around you.
11. Spend time with a tree. Read to it or play it music. Hug it and thank it for being part of an ecosystem that keeps you alive.
12. Lay on the ground and stare up at the sky. Let the clouds tell you a story with their shapes and, if there are no clouds, get lost in the hues of blue and understand that the universe is open before you and you are indeed a part of it.


1 comment:

  1. Well hell I do all these things and highly suggest them. Moving to a new place helped all that, I hope you and Hannah are enjoying your new place!
