Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Daily Oracle and a Small Snippet of Anniversary

10/9 - Mummy/Change: The sand in his mouth, the bandages wound. Jealous of the living, eternal life bound. Like the Tower card in Tarot only slow and gradual. Change for the positive.

10/10 - Skull of Flowers/Creating through the ashes (3rd time drawn): To blossom and bloom, the work must be done. Through fire and ashes, our fortune it comes. Phoenix energy. Rising stronger from the ashes. 

10/11 - Zombie/Control: The dead arise, voices a-mumbling. After our brains, our screams they are tumbling. Being smart about control, making sure you have autonomy, easing up on the reins when necessary.

10/12 - Joy/Rejoicing in the present: I stand here, I am what I am. Fully alive and present. Stress is a sham. Living in the moment and embracing what each moment has to offer. 

10/13 - Vampire/Emotional intelligence: The deepest, the coldest, the craving of the blood. The hole never filled, the longing like a flood. Ancient empathy, protecting yourself against emotional drains.
Today was our anniversary. It's been a year since I became the legal thrall of my vampire wife. We went with our friends to Scarywood and enjoyed such delights as Pharoah's Tomb and Blood Bayou. I also did Total Darkness and 3-Dimentia and wondered around Clown Town and Spider Alley until my toes were quite cold and tired. I rode the log ride twice (even convinced my besty to ride it with me once, much to her horror and chagrin). Overall it was a good time though I do think I might opt for a Thursday next year so that I can ride the rollercoasters without waiting in long lines. Also I want to try and do some serious Zumba this year so that next time we go to Scarywood I can ride all the rides. Even the ones that I will regret, hehehe. 
10/14 - Skull of Stars/Infinite possibilities (2nd time drawn): Why think so small when galaxies spin within? Realize that you are made of the stuff of stars and infinite possibilities begin. Don't limit yourself. Work toward your goals believing they are possible. 

10/15 - Invisibility/Authenticity (3rd time drawn): Heart beating, we sense but do not see. They touch, we chill, they come unseen. Authentication of the self. Transparency of truth. 

10/16 - Mummy/Change (2nd time drawn)The sand in his mouth, the bandages wound. Jealous of the living, eternal life bound. Because one good mummy deserves another. More premonitions of change. Still positive though!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Oracle Time

Friday the 5th: I drew Death. And, because it sort of jumped out at me: Scrying. The Death card was particularly interesting because earlier that day I had expressed my fears to a friend, telling her how during the darker time of the year I always imagine my loved ones and myself as dying somehow. To draw the Death card was a good reminder that death is part of life and not to be feared or conquered and also that death itself is the beginning of the cycle. Again, solve et coagula. Something must be taken apart (die) before something new can be formed (born). Pagans put death at the beginning of the life cycle. Death is the great beginning. So something is starting for me - on the surface it is definitely the beginning of my tough emotional time - below the surface perhaps I'm going to start some spiritual and creative projects. The other card that jumped out at me, Scrying, is a card that calls us to abandon the desire to make logical sense of everything and to let our subconscious feel and understand. Mostly the card wants the drawer to try the actual act of scrying and so at some point during this month or Samhain season I will definitely give it a go.

Saturday the 6th: Invisibility. This is the second time I've drawn this card. Again it is a call to reveal my true authentic self and to be careful of my desire to be invisible.

Sunday the 7th: Skull of Light. A reminder to let my true self shine forth. A great follow up card to the Invisibility card. It speaks to 'stop hiding.' We can stay in the dark, Exist only in the midnight hours, But shining the torch, The victory is ours.   

Monday the 8th: (weirdly enough, I knew I would draw this card today) Skull of Stars. Why think so small when galaxies spin within? Realize that you are made of the stuff of stars and infinite possibilities begin. This card talks about broadening your view of the future and your role within it. Also it mentions letting go of old beliefs that no longer serve you. For me this means moving forward and researching some of the darker/stranger things that have called to me lately.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Halloween Oracle and Plans

This the new attraction at Scarywood this year and Hannah and I are excited to check it out!
This October Hannah and I will celebrate our 1st anniversary as a married couple. It will be our 11th year as a couple. I have to figure out some sort of anniversary gift for my human and I'm a sucker for old traditions so I'm contemplating a 'paper' gift as that is the customary symbol/gift of the first year of marriage. Our friends are giving us a lovely gift of taking us to Silverwood Theme Park's Scarywood on the actual day of the anniversary, the thirteenth. Leading up to that I have three days off from work and I think Hannah has some fun themed things planned. We're broke at the moment so our fun will have to be free or cheap until the payday on the twelfth (and that is the first time I think I've ever  written out the word for 12th and holy crap it looks weird!). So I'm looking forward to having some Hannah time and seeing what sorts of mischief we can get into. Now for the daily Halloween Oracle draw.

To bloom and blossom, the work must be done.
Through fire and ashes, our fortune it comes.
Wednesday the 3rd I drew the Skull of Flowers again. This is after extensive shuffling and cutting. So obviously there's a lesson or an energy that I need to be aware of. I'm going to write the full card meaning in here so that my fingers and brain can ponder what this card really means for me. 

Before flowers are born, they are sweet buds on a plant that came from a smaller form like a seed or a bulb. The seed needs prepared, nourishing soil to grow to its potential. Some plants and trees only seed after fire or a period extreme adversity like drought or flood. 
Sometimes we wish for a life different from the one we have and that can mean radical change. Sometimes to have that new life, everything falls apart to make it so - and that can be uncomfortable. We may lose our relationships or they may change. We might lose a job, have to move house or become ill - all big events that lead to a reassessment of the 'how' of our lives. 
The Skull of Flowers illustrates that there is a sureness and yet a rawness to creating again, to starting afresh. Sometimes the universe gives us a blank slate to work from, so we can build what we really want, rather than just settling for less. The Skull of Flowers celebrates not just a kind of phoenix energy but an energy of success and full bloom through adversity. 
So essentially I really need to eat shit before I can have my cake. Fair enough. It stands to reason that wading through muck will eventually get you to dry land and your legs, though tired, will be stronger for it. So I suppose this card is telling me to hang in there in a way. This time of year is very difficult for me as the darkness hyper charges my depression something fierce. Maybe that's why this card has shown up twice: to tell me that I'll get through to the other side and that I'll come out stronger and better for my journey. 

The stones they mark, The eternal resting place
Yet the spirits they are walking, and they are ready for the chase!
Thursday the 4th I drew the Graveyard card. This card delves into unnecessary fears. This is particularly appropriate for me as this time of year crushes my confidence and fills me with a plethora of fearful thoughts and hypothetical ends. I tend to constantly worry that my loved ones are going to die or that I'm going to die, or that I'm going to get into trouble at work, and I imagine random acts of violence befalling my family or property. I do need to 'chill the fuck out' and relax. Just because the days are shorter doesn't mean I need to fear the unknown. So far my home has been very safe and comfortable. The people I know and love are safe and sound. I need to stop letting bad thoughts in and I especially need to stop letting bad thoughts out.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

October Halloween Oracle Daily Draw

So I haven't updated in a long time. So much has happened this summer: gardening, an anime convention, a visit from a dear friend from back east, the desire to start up Taiko drumming, a call to volunteer for the Kuroneko Cultural Association, Hannah doing assistance work at our friends' bakery, a lovely Rocky Horror Birthday for a friend, and a wonderful birthday/Mabon for me, all sorts of things. I have lots of pictures which I want to photo dump into a post on here. But all that aside, I wanted to talk about October.

This month is so very precious and stressful to me for all the obvious reasons and for some not so obvious ones. In years past this month has been an initiator of change. I started work at the Spokesman-Review on October 9th, 2015. I began moving to Spokane at that time. In 2017 Hannah and I married, forced to re-home, went on a honeymoon, and began the home buying process. This October I want the change to be less physical and more spiritual and mental. So to get that going I'm preparing for NanoWriMo and also doing a daily card draw from the Halloween Oracle Deck. 

~MONDAY the 1st~
Skull of Flowers - phoenix energy and an understanding that sometimes things must burn/fall apart before they can come together better/newer/stronger. I've been feeling Baphomet a lot recently and written upon the deity's arms is the phrase: solve coagula. This means 'to separate' and 'to join together' and stems from the principle of Alchemy that  you cannot build something that is not, without breaking apart something that is.

~TUESDAY the 2nd~
Invisibility - the idea that being unseen can be a good thing when it comes to gathering information or doing an anonymous good deed. Also the acknowledgment that certain creatures/beings practice invisibility as a way of concealing their true selves for protection or to exhibit power or superiority. However when looking at invisibility in ourselves we should examine the intention of our hiding. If we are hiding ourselves due to fear or showing our true selves, or shyness, or unwillingness to share our gifts and talents... then that may be a case of unhealthy invisibility. For me this card means I need to continue pushing myself to explore new things and not be afraid to showcase my abilities and be proud of what I have to offer. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Tanabata 2018 (Photos and Script)

Quick update: Hannah went to the ER and got her gallbladder out on 7/7! Yay! Without health insurance the cost of the surgery is enough to purchase a new vehicle! Boo! But we are so poor that the hospital is writing it all off... so yay again!

Because Hannah's gallbladder decided it wanted to jump ship on Tanabata, we pushed back our annual celebration to the following Friday the 13th. This is totally my jam. I get pretty super excited over three celebrations: Yule (and Christmas Parties), Halloween/Samhain, and then Tanabata. There are other various things that get me really excited but these are my set big Holidays. For those who might not know what Tanabata is: it's a Japanese Star Festival celebrating wishes and love. I'll include the play I wrote for the celebration at the end of the blog post - but for now, behold all the pretty things:

My favorite sushi! Vegan and delicious.
This was my share item for the potluck. I brought 6 packages.

We strung a rope across the yard to represent a bridge across the Amanogawa (Milky Way) River.
Below the bridge is our Altar. 

Overview of the Altar. The long packet in the middle contained consecrated wish strips called tanzaku.

Another view of the Altar. 

We burned this absolutely lovely Japanese incense.
(Not very Shinto, I know but we loved it and it appealed to our witchy sensibilities!)

Hello Kitty Lantern decoration for the bridge.

A long view of the Amanogawa bridge.

These were Hannah's balloons that mom and I brought her for after her surgery.
We offered them up to the Amanogawa as well.

I had lots of different decorations for people to try and mostly people did the lanterns,
but someone did the pretty dangling rhomboid chain. I love it!

Here's a view of some participants and a sweet goblin child with red glowing eyes.
She's a mini-me. I love her!

Check out the exciting crystal ball in this picture!

Just a fun shot of the Altar.
You can see Orihime really close and in the distance is Hikoboshi.

I love this fox. He's guarding the tanzaku.

Excellent close up of the after festival treats!

Rachel of Lavender Moon Bakery provided two cakes to represent the lovers
 and Hannah baked Milky Way (Amanogawa) cookies!


Across the Amanogawa
A short play for Tanabata
Retold by Amanda LaFantasie

Narrator: A long time ago, in a Kingdom in the Sky, there was a beautiful princess called Orihime. She was a very talented weaver and seamstress and she made the the most beautiful robes in all of the Sky Kingdom. Her father, the Sky King, was very proud of her and praised her often. For many years Orihime weaved in happiness, but as time wore on, her smile began to falter. The King noticed his child’s diminishing mood and grew worried.

King: I’ve watched you working these past few weeks. You look sad, my child. Do you no longer enjoy weaving?

Orihime: It’s not that. There is nothing I love more than weaving and bringing joy to those who wear my garments. But I’m lonely. All of my sisters have married and moved away to live with their husbands and I miss them.  

Narrator: This got the King thinking. Perhaps it was time that his treasured daughter should also take a husband. So he journeyed across the great Milky Way River, the Amanogawa. There he searched for a man honorable enough and brave enough to marry his precious daughter. He searched until he was exhausted. He went to the field where the Sky Kingdom’s best cows grazed on the finest grass. As he walked among the cows he rethought his plan. After a while, a young cow herder named Hikoboshi approached him.

Hikoboshi: I hope I’m not bothering you, but you seem troubled. Is there anything I can do for you?

King: Only if you can find me an honorable man worthy of marrying the most beautiful girl in the kingdom.

Hikoboshi: I’m very sorry but I don’t know anyone like that. I’m all alone now that my brothers have taken wives and left their herds to my care.  

King: You mean you watch all of these cows by yourself? Doesn’t that get stressful?

Hikoboshi: Not at all. There’s nothing I love more than tending the cattle and keeping them safe.

Narrator: The King asked Hikoboshi many questions and, in the end, invited him to dine with the Royal family in the Sky Palace that night. The cow herder hated to leave his cows but knew it would be rude to refuse. So he made his way across the Amanogawa to the Sky Palace. The King made sure to seat Hikoboshi next to Orihime and before the night was through the princess found something she loved more than weaving, and the cow herder found something he loved more than tending his animals. In no time at all, they were married.

[King ties a ribbon around their clasped hands]

Orihime and Hikoboshi: I will love you until the stars burn their last flame.

Narrator: With each passing day their love for each other grew. Over time they forgot about things like weaving and cow herding. Soon the fine garments of the Sky Kingdom became tattered and torn, and the prized cows across the river began to wander. They left their safe field and traveled on rocky, dangerous ground. They ate grass that made them sick and many of them died.

King: Orihime, you’ve neglected your duties far too long. Look at my robes! They’re in shambles. I’m the Sky King and yet I look a beggar. Get back to your weaving and sewing!

Orihime: I’ll do it. But please, allow Hikoboshi to sit with me as I sew.

King: Absolutely not! Hikoboshi, you must leave at once and go back across the Amanogawa and tend your cows.

Hikoboshi: I’ll do it but I won’t leave Orihime behind. Please, let her come with me and join me as a cow herdess.

King: No. I forbid it. She will stay here and weave and you’ll return to the fields. Your King commands it.

Hikoboshi: I’m sorry, Your Majesty, but if she stays, then I stay.

Orihime: I won’t be alone again, father. If Hikoboshi must go across the river, then I have no choice but to follow.

Narrator: The argument continued until the King had no choice but to remove Hikoboshi by force and banish him back to the field across the river. To make sure that his daughter stayed in the Sky Palace and did not run away to join her husband, the Sky King destroyed the only bridge between the two banks. With a mournful heart, Orihime resumed weaving and sewing. The Sky Kingdom dressed in fine garments once again, yet somehow they were less radiant than everyone remembered. Across the river, Hikoboshi returned to herding the cattle. They regained their health, yet somehow the beasts were less impressive than they’d been in the past.

King: I had to do it. They cared only for each other. They didn’t care about the kingdom anymore. If I’d left them alone we’d all be naked with no milk and no meat. The kingdom would fall into ruin. Wouldn’t it?

Narrator: Orihime worked diligently. But she never smiled anymore. The King didn’t want to recant on his order but he couldn’t stand to see his daughter so miserable. After a long time he came to a decision.

King: The kingdom cannot do without its best weaver and its best cow herder. But, because they cannot do without each other, I will allow Orihime and Hikoboshi to see each other one day each year. On the seventh day of the seventh month, I will order the magpies of the sky to fly down and form a bridge between the banks of the Amanogawa. That is how they will meet and part.  

Narrator: And so, every year after the King’s proclamation, the lovers met on the seventh day of the seventh month. Sometimes the princess would travel to the cow herder’s side. Sometimes the cow herder would travel to the Sky Palace. But always, when the time came for them to part, the King’s magpies would seek out and carry the displaced lover back to their own bank. Many years and many meetings later Orihime’s weaving resumed its former brilliance, and Hikoboshi’s cattle grew into extraordinary beasts. But what they were most proud of was the vow of love they had managed to keep despite the river that ran between them.  


Goodbye Hugh and Erica

Things were weird in June. Some pretty big things happened, not happy things though. First off, Hannah had a horrible gallbladder attack. I've never seen her eyes roll back in her head like that before - it was actually pretty scary. So the family ushered her out the door and to the ER we went. This, in and of itself, was pretty upsetting for the Hannah, but shortly after that her grandfather, Hugh, went downhill. He passed on Monday June 25th. Her grandmother bought plane tickets for Hannah and I to come down for the funeral on that Friday. It all happened so fast! 

The funeral was kind of amazing, filled with 1930's charm and home-cooking. Everyone was beautifully polite and gentle and supportive. At the grave site Hannah felt her grandfather's presence. A bugler played taps. A very handsome and somber member of the US Military knelt before Hannah's grandmother and presented her with the flag as a sign of respect to the years grandpa had served. It was all so beautiful and perfect. And sad. Click here to see the obituary.

While we were still in Kansas, my best friend from college called me to let me know something awful. Something that is still hitting me in a hard, weird way. Friend Erica passed away. I graduated from Mesa State College with Erica. I helped her flunk statistics because I always managed to seduce her to come with me to Johnny Carino's for Happy Hour Bellinis instead of attending class. I was in a one-act play with her where we got into a crazy food fight and had ketchup in our ears for days after the show. We used to take naps together between studies and play rehearsals and she used my boobs as pillows.

I went to Germany twice with her. At Camp Lachenwald, her camp counselor name was Eeek. Three 'e's. My name was Quetzal. I remember one time she called me to her tent in the middle of the night for spider relocation (so many spiders!) and I was Quetzal the Hero. And there was another time when we were both so homesick we slept together on a cot at camp. A small cot. But we made it work and neither of us fell off. One of my favorite memories of Germany: the first night we arrived there I drank the hotel bar dry of Gin and then Erica and I skinny dipped in the Main river with a Marine named Wu. The next day he sang to us, "I wish they all could be Colorado girls."

She was a sweet, sassy, crazy woman who liked things like Modest Mouse, Dashboard Confessional, luscious lipsticks, and shoes. Never did I know anyone who had quite so many shoes. But the things I think about with Erica are the little conversations we had. We said 'I know friends drift and I don't want us to drift apart' and we swore up and down we wouldn't. But we did. We drifted for a while until my college bff said I should add Erica to my super secret Facebook that only has (right at this moment) 21 friends. So I sent the invite and Erica accepted immediately. That was on June 12th. Eighteen days later my friend calls to tell me she's gone.

Nothing I could write here will really do her justice. She was surprising and wonderful and I have so many amazing memories because of her. I found her obituary online. It's too simple in my opinion. Erica's obituary should be like a Music Video from the early 90's. Fashionable girl in amazing shoes follows David Bowie into a painting and proceeds to dance through a variety of artistic renaissances until she ends up drunk on Bellinis and napping on my boobs again. 

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Because I don't have instagram...

I've been working very hard in the backyard. These are some of the 'in progress' shots. I will do a final fancy picture blog of the finished and growing products sometime next week (or whenever!) but I did want to share a few pretty things and also some video. All of this is from my phone which means, yes, I'm glad to to have upgraded from my old faithful Blackberry. Hello, world, I've finally arrived in the 21st Century!

The above video is from May 12th when we went to the SCC campus for the Garden Expo - I sent the video to my friend who 'loves' garden gnomes.

Not my tree - this belongs to the person at the end of the street near my bus stop, but it's the same kind of tree in my backyard and I used this picture to help me identify it later as a Paul's Scarlet Hawthorne
Hannah's Japanese Maple - we were hoping for more red but Seiren is turning out to be a very vibrant little boy and we're excited to watch him grow!
Hannah made this shabby-chic herb wall!

The herb wall is up against the house overlooking our two veg patches. Well... one of those veg patches is actually a strawberry patch, as seen above.
I felt silly talking to no one - but I'm trying to get comfy doing small 'vlog' type video. My friend Dani did some awesome vlogs a couple of Octobers ago and I really loved getting to see her and hear her as she talked about things in her life. 

This is Django! He is one of the resident store kitties at the Northwest Seed and Pet on division. He did an excellent job holding down those pesky soft pots.
Our strawberry patch is starting to produce! And they taste wonderful <3
My favorite pair - lavender and sage - the lavender plants are from the Garden Expo and the large sage plant is one that I planted myself from seed about two years ago.

This is Scarlet, our enormous Paul's Scarlet Hawthorne. This picture hardly does her justice.

Here we have Sigurd (right) and Yukiko (left). Sigurd is the tree that was at our wedding and represented laying down roots to our new life. It's a Dwarf Norwegian Evergreen. Yukiko is a Japanese Snowbell tree that I got free from the Arbor Day Foundation as part of a community outreach program.

A close up of some lovely sage buds.

This azalea plant was here when we moved in. There are two of these in the front yard under the pine trees. We've since added two more azaleas and a coral bell to enhance our curbside appeal.

Miss Kim Lilacs in soft pots. They are done flowering for the season but they smelled so good! Also please note the lovely brace we've had to put up against the fence to keep it from leaning into our yard. Aint being a homeowner fun?!

Friday, April 13, 2018

Ostara Top 12

We have moved past Ostara and are headed like a comet toward Beltane/Walpugisnacht. During my Ostara celebration at the end of last month I composed a list of ways that we can enjoy the gifts of the goddess this spring. I'm going to try to take pictures of me performing each item of the list but we'll have to see. 
1. Meditate on something you want to do this spring. Maybe you want to plant something, maybe you want to visit a friend you haven’t seen in a while. Meditate on the joyful results you wish to manifest.
2. Spend some time organizing a room in your home. Make sure it works for your needs. If you are always ramming your knee into a table, try moving it. If you can never find the remotes, try making a small space just for them.
3. Eat something you enjoy very slowly and meditate on the way it makes you feel and imagine it becoming fuel for your body and thank the Goddess for the gift of the food.
4. Spend some time being creative in nature. Draw a picture, write a poem, or take a picture (or do all three) of something beautiful that the Goddess has given you.
5. Wake up at dawn and greet the morning. You might light incense or read a poem to the Sun. Let the Sun and the Goddess know that you are thankful for the lengthening days.
6. Go outside at sunset and greet the Night. Cherish it, for it grows shorter each day until Midsummer. Ask the darkness to watch over you as you sleep.
7. Play in the mud.

8. On a windy day, go outside and dance. Observe the way everything moves around you and let nature teach you the moves.
9. Open up all the windows of your house to let in the fresh spring air! Let the Goddess’s breath flow through the rooms and renew the life force of your home.
10. Put a flower in your hair, or behind your ear. Wear it all day to remind you of your connection to the growing earth around you.
11. Spend time with a tree. Read to it or play it music. Hug it and thank it for being part of an ecosystem that keeps you alive.
12. Lay on the ground and stare up at the sky. Let the clouds tell you a story with their shapes and, if there are no clouds, get lost in the hues of blue and understand that the universe is open before you and you are indeed a part of it.


Thursday, March 29, 2018


My LaFrittata was partly inspired by hunger, a surplus of egg and also a Pioneer Woman recipe.  

So here's what I used:

Cheese - 1.5 cups of mozzarella also a bit of feta for the top
Eggs - 12
Asparagus - 2 cups, cut up and frozen
Onions - 2 cups, cut up and frozen
Baked potatoes - 3 whole ones to be cut up
Hot Sauce - 1 tablespoon
Garlic Pepper - lots
Salt - lots and lots
Olive Oil - several drizzles
Butter - a small hunk

And here's what I did:

First I had Dad microwave-bake three potatoes (one at a time). Once nuked, I put them in the freezer to cool them down. Next, I sauteed the asparagus and onions with the olive oil and butter in a large stove top skillet. I seasoned these with garlic-pepper and salt. 
While letting that cook on a pretty high setting, I beat up a dozen eggs and stole their lunch money! To the egg stuffs I added the mozzarella and also some fiesta blend cheeses as well as the hot sauce. Then I set that shit aside. I grabbed the potatoes from the freezer (they were still hot!) and used a knife and potholder to manhandle the little fuckers until they were cut into smaller chunks. I added those to the asparagus and onions and added a little more seasoning. 
I poured the egg mixture slowly into the pan until it covered all the fixings. Using a giant ass lid, I covered the skillet and let it cook for... I think about 20 minutes. I'm a very exact chef as you can tell. When the egg stuff looked almost completely firm I sprinkled feta cheese all over the top, put the lid back on, and then moved the skillet off the hot burner and let it cook with its residual heat for another ten minutes. 

The result:

So. Fucking. Good. 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I'm a real grownup! Maybe?

This is going to be a sort of a list update. Firstly I want to say that I did get a new phone with new phone number. So if you don't hear from me, or you've texted me with no reply, that's most likely why. Send me a message or email me with your number and we'll get all square. In addition to a new phone I now use apps! Shocking. Scary. I know. I was even able to upload my Starbuck's gift cards to the Starbuck's app so that I can use my phone to get coffee. Mind. Blown.

Speaking of adulting, last week I went to the Pin for Goth Night. It was a bit dead. Which is funny because it was Goth Night, hurrhurr. But it was kind of neat. Hannah and I and one of our witchy friends went out to unleash our inner macabre. It was interesting. And it was free. That's the big key here, it was free and it was an excuse to go all out with black lipstick, dark eyes, frizzy hair, black clothes, and awkward swaying. I actually had a very good time. I had to work the next day so we ended the evening at 10:30PM. 

In other news, I finished the first book of the Seventh Tower series and am now working on number two. This weekend we are celebrating Hannah's birthday. The plan so far is for her and I to go on a writing date at Barnes and Noble starting as soon as we get our butts out the door. And then about 6 or so that night we'll meet people at Peking North for dinner. I'm excited for this as I've been yearning to get back to work on some Death Man. I've been a terrible person - or actually - you know what - I haven't been a terrible person. I've simply not been actively writing. Which doesn't make me terrible. Damn inner critics and mentor's echoes in my head have convinced me that I must be terrible if I went to school for writing and am not currently writing. But that's bullshit. I'm not terrible.

Last news: I'm playing DnD with some friends. I'm going to play a straight & narrow Paladin. He's the babysitter type who doesn't cuss, doesn't drink, doesn't do anything improper. He abides by a strict moral code and is generally not very fun at a party. This should be fun considering he's teaming up with a succubussy tiefling, a rogue, and a clumsy monk. And then another character who I don't know yet. Anyway, it's interesting. I think this is what he's going to look like - see below!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Back to the Books!

Hannah and I are picking out books for each other to read as a sort of "Wifey Book Club." The book I selected for Hannah is The Alchemy of Stone by Ekaterina Sedia and the book she selected for me was one that she read many times as a young adult (and it is the book that got her really excited about story-telling and becoming a writer): Mara, Daughter of the Nile by Eloise Jarvis McGraw. I haven't read The Alchemy of Stone yet but I picked it for Hannah because it looked very much like something she would enjoy, but she picked Mara for me because she wanted to share a very important memory and piece of her past with me. I'm delighted she picked it. I had tried to read it once before and wasn't feeling it, however this time around I ate it up hungrily.

Last night I did something I haven't done in a very, very long time: I stayed up past my bedtime to read. Don't get me wrong I stay up later all the time (because I'm so responsible!) but it's usually to chit-chat with Hannah or to watch a show or something like that. It's been ages since a book has kept me up. It felt really exhilarating to get carried away by the written word again. So I didn't wait for Hannah to pick the next one. I chose one she had recommended to me a while ago: The Seventh Tower series by Garth Nix

This series has been on my mind for two reasons: 1)I'm excited to read this author and 2) it's called the Seventh Tower series but there are only six books. This bothers me greatly! I realize that the name is due to there being seven towers of interest in this fantasy setting. And I realize that Garth only needed six books to tell his tale. But damn. It would have felt so incredibly satisfying if there had been just one more book. That aside, I am excited to get back to reading. And then... back to writing. Gotta work my muscles, my mind, my imagination, my everything so I can start getting my brain back in the game. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Life in the House so far

I'm learning every day...my knees and elbow ache and I've learned the value of Aleve. I've learned I don't really like shoveling snow but that once it starts melting it's good fun to chop up the ice blocks and throw them against the fence. I've learned that 75% of the shit we throw away can actually (and should actually) go into the recycle bin. I've learned the bigger the fire place the better - and that being said I will see about purchasing a cord of wood for next year because daddy and I like to burn things! I've learned that I don't really notice the noisy street. I don't even bat an eye at the fire truck sirens anymore. And the dog next door has realized we're supposed to be here and so he hardly barks at us. He does bark, but not even that bothers me. 

It's an energetic and strange atmosphere on Wellesley and I'm slowly adapting the oddity and comforts of it all. I have yet to see a utility bill and am sort of dreading when I learn how much it costs to run a house. 

The living room is painted black and is a fun mixture of Goth and Witch and as we get more and more organized it will become even more dramatic. The upstairs is going to be like an Asian Fusion of Indonesia, China, and Japan complete with teal and magenta for decor. The cats love the king sized bed. And so do we. We are still paying it off but I kind of think it's worth it. So large and comfy. And we did manage to get it up the narrow stairs to the master bedroom. There were people who doubted this could ever happen. 

The basement is where the troll lives. The troll is my father and my mother is called Sister Catherine. Someday I'll write a kid's story about Sister Catherine and the Troll who live in the basement and only come up to deliver freshly laundered clothing to their Witch overlords... or to burn shit. I had worried that with mom and dad living with us Hannah would be extremely unhappy and I would be very frustrated. So far at least my worries for nothing. We have enough space for all of us to live quite comfortably and for most of the day it feels like Hannah and I live alone in the upstairs. I don't want my parents to feel they can't come up, but I think they like feeling like they don't 'have' to come up. They have pretty much everything they need downstairs and we're working every day to make the house (all of it) more comfy and more like a home. 

There will be some fun before and after pictures once we get things a bit more organized. And this summer we are hosting a Black Moon Ball. It will sort of serve as a 'here's all the shit we wanted to do at our wedding but couldn't' and 'unofficial house warming' party.