Thursday, March 12, 2015


Something horrible happened today.  My mother was fired.  She's never been fired in her life. According to (I want to say 'the insufferable cunt' but will leave that in parenthesis) Lark, there were complaints about my mother's treatment of the residents.  These residents adore my mother.  Before she came along they had nil for entertainment.  Mother volunteered there for a year before they actually decided they needed an activities director.  And when they DID make it a job - they hired someone else first.  That person fucked up and was fired.  They hired mom.  Oh, gee, how nice of you to think of finally paying the person who's worked for FREE for a year.  Anyway, mom kept doing what she'd already been doing and even more.  Mother did their nails regularly, held poker nights, bingo days, luaus, led them in group exercise, and spent lots of her own money making sure that everyone had Christmas and Birthday gifts.  My mother isn't perfect by any means but she is pretty damn close when it comes to this sort of stuff.  She's like Pinkie Pie!  She loves to make people smile and loves to throw parties.  Sometimes she's a little annoying with it, but she usually manages to give everyone a fun time.  Well the lady who fired her said that there were complaints.  Three of them, to be exact.  (And why didn't mother hear of about complaints after the first one?  Because Lark doesn't give a fuck that's why!)  One of the complaints was over Christmas which floors me.

During the house parties (not Christmas morning mind you) she brought gifts that she fucking bought with her own money for the houses themselves as share gifts.  So she opened the gifts and passed them around so that no one would complain about 'not getting to open a gift' since there weren't enough for everyone to open one.  Apparently someone complained saying 'she didn't let us open our own gifts!'  Or perhaps it was someone on staff or a family member (someone obviously with their head stuck up their ass) who said, golly she's opening the gifts herself!  What a horrible person!  Never mind that she gave them ALL gifts for Christmas.  Never mind that these gifts were for the HOUSES and NOT individuals at the house party.  Never mind all of that.  There are more things I could say but basically it comes down to this: Lark's sister is a resident and this sister doesn't like my mother.  Period.  End of story.  Sister doesn't like my mother so Lark doesn't like her.  That is truly the be all and end all.  This company goes through employees like an alcoholic goes through a twelve pack.  Anyone who stands up for themselves, who dares to be human, who doesn't click with the upper crust - they are gone.

The worst thing is - my mother became friends with many of these residents and Lark won't let her visit.  My mother is 'banned from the premises.'  She can't even take them their Easter baskets which she already bought was already working on filling.  Banned.  Like she's some sort of danger to them.  I want to know if a resident's family member could be banned if Lark's sister decided she didn't like them as well.  Horrible, awful, unethical.  I am so enraged over it all.  If they had let mother go amiably that might be one thing, but to be mean to her - to make her bawl - and to ban her from seeing her goddamn friends.  No.  Just no.  Fuck you, Lark.  Fuck you Lark Haven.  I'm so sad for the residents of Hilgren and Thames - they lost one of the only people who really gave a damn about them.  Lark cares about their money and that's where the buck stops.  She treats her 'private pay' residents at the Honeysuckle and Reed houses like gods but treats the medicaid and medicare residents at Hilgren and Thames like they are children who aren't allowed to get into the fridge on their own.  Sickening.  Below is snippet from the website.  My mother invented most of that 'wide array of activities' by the way.  She INVENTED games activities and spent hours doing craft projects at home to make sure the residents could participate.  I could go on and on but I need to leave it be now.  I'm so angry.


Our activities calendar is designed in keeping with resident’s individual interests and capabilities. There is a wide array of activities to choose from each week.


  1. I'm sorry to hear that Amanda. Shit like that is rife at those places. Similar problems happen at my mother in laws home. Medicare residents being treated like crap. Unethical staff. Sadistic staff who make residents suffer and wait too long for medications or to be cleaned up or rearranged in their beds. And the sickening way they cover it up because the residents are vulnerable and some have Alzheimers so nurses and other staff get away with shit. My mother in law was kicked out of her residence just because she complained about the TV being turned up too loud. Others complained too but a lot quieter than she did apparently.

    1. *hugs* it is just horrible. And I'm sorry that your mother in law had to suffer at the hands of a system where only the rich have any sort of fair treatment. The poor must hold their tongues and be thankful that they get anything at all. Gods forbid we actually get to feel like human beings. :(

  2. To quote your fiance, 'what the fresh hell'. I know that job made your mom really happy, and someone getting their panties in a knot gets her fired? Unacceptable. I wonder how long that shit hole would stay open if anyone with any authority found out about the medicaid and medicare ordeal... If I lived there I'd deliver the baskets for her at least. 'Cause I'm not banned... but if I saw Lark I might knee her in the lady bits.
