Monday, June 9, 2014

General Update! JOBS AHOY!!!


The other day, we attended a graduation party for D, cousin of mine.  It was so nice to watch him open his gifts and hanging out with everyone.  He's a nice young man and Hannah and I are going to take him camping with us at some point this summer.  His future is like an open book right now and I'm excited for him.  Sadly, being at a family gathering also reminded me how much I dislike certain members of the group.  My uncle J for instance is a complete asshole.  He and a family friend (or rather a man who happens to be married to a dear family friend) were rude and loud and argumentative throughout and when my mom asked them to keep it down so that my wee little cousins could read D a story, my uncle and this other man acted like spoiled brats and fought back with her saying they'd be as loud as they damn well pleased and then made faces at her as she left.  Not cool.  I wanted to play their game and cut them down, but I didn't want to ruin D's party.

And then my aunt S started bitching about another cousin of mine and, once again, I had to escape rather than do anything to ruin the mood.  I found out later from my mom (who is not please with J, the friend, or S) that my aunt badmouths my mom because she thinks it's wrong of her to condone my sinful relationship with Hannah.  S is a giant hypocrite and I thought I cared if she fell off the face of the earth.  But I guess I don't.  Thank goodness for family like D and several other cousins.  And thank goodness for my friends who feel like family.  Bickering is one thing, but being an all-out asshole is another and I'm pretty much done with assholes.  The child part of me wants to get married up here and rub it in S's face as hard as I can that Idaho as a whole has progressed so why the hell can't she?  Ugh.  Enough ranting. 

Also my computer is on its way back to me.  They took it completely apart and put it back together and couldn't recreate the problem so we are all crossing our fingers that the situation is resolved.  I have 90 days when from I receive her to try her out and make sure she's all good to go.  I really can't afford another computer right now.  I have the extension for the man who's been working on the problem and if there's even a hint of an issue, I'll be on the phone with him again.  I hope it's all up from here as far as my Vignette is concerned.


This morning I was incredibly productive.  I think it's because things may actually finally be turning around for Hannah and I a little bit.  Yesterday PTI called us both to come in for training.  Hannah's training is for today but mine will take place on Thursday because I have work with the bra store today, tomorrow, and the next day.  Of course they would schedule me for several days on the week I'm due to start another job.  *Sigh* But they didn't know.  I didn't even know.  I'm very excited about this job however.  Essentially it's transportation of rail crews (a driver and a conductor) from one site to another.  It's mostly just driving but I'll get to learn a great deal of trains and about the history of freight in America which is actually pretty nifty!  

So this morning, because of all this new excitement, I've managed to get up super early, shower, get Hannah to work (with a packed lunch that I made her last night ^_^), clean out and wipe down the inside of my car, start up some laundry, pick up the bedroom and bathroom, and still have enough time to blog about it all.  Who knew getting up at 7:30 would leave so much time in the morning.  If only I were a starling and not an owl.  

Last night I stayed up for quite a bit working on The Summer of August Hunt.  I am liking August so far and I adore Bertram who is my POV character.  I'm trying it in first person.  At the residency in January, Randall Kenan told me to go with it and even though it's a bit of a challenge, I'm going to stick it out.  I can always change things later.  That's the beauty of writing. 

Later today, Hannah and I are going to donate plasma.  I'm hoping that this week and next week are the last times we have to do this for a long time.  Neither of us enjoy needles (I have an actual phobia which I've overcome for the sake of donations) and if we both start getting some income from this driving job then we will be, for the first time in what seems like forever, pretty darn well off.  We can start paying down bills, improve credit, and work toward a future together.


  1. Get it, girl(s)! Congrats on jobs! :D Also congrats on all the work you got done! Having to do stuff I don't normally have to do usually wakes me up early, too (and keeps me up all night cuz I'm afraid I'll sleep through it).

    Lame-o relatives. For their information, almost every relationship in American is biblically sinful, since a woman is supposed to be a virgin when she gets married. So ha. You're right, she needs to get with the times.

    <3 you guys I'm so glad things are looking up!

    1. Thank you <3 <3 And yeah I pretty much hate my aunt S ><. My mom is so over her, too. Fucking redneck hypocrite idiots. Ugh.
