Wednesday, September 19, 2012

MFA updates and another application in the works...

Last night was as miserable and restless as today was productive and enlightening.  After such a horrid and sleepless night I was surprised by the passion with which I attacked my admittance essays.  I finished not one, but both of the necessary essays for me to be able to apply to Queens and Pine Manor College.  The latter requires an essay up to, but not exceeding, five pages and, as a result, my hands became scissors as I cut and cut and cut until I am now three lines over the limit.  Three lines I can handle, but for now I am letting my beta readers have at it and when I get my feedback I'll set the essay back on the cutting board and trim it down to within the guidelines.  As for the Queens essay, I started and finished that earlier.

Another development has come up, however.  A few days ago I did a search specifically for low residency MFA programs closer to home.  This search stemmed from the logistical reality that paying upwards of $500 per plane ticket for five residencies is going to be difficult.  Even if I am awarded financial aide above and beyond the loans that I will taking out, the extra $2,500 is not a very pleasant prospect.  However, despite the logistical reasons behind my search, I found a very interesting program that has more going for it than location and cost.  I received a phone call today and spoke to the director of the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, Washington for nearly an hour and a half.  This is the most time any program director (and I've contacted and been contacted by quite a few throughout my search) has spent this much time with me on the phone truly getting to know me.  I was more nervous than I ought to have been which is a clue that the program means something to me.  It is a selective, high-end program that appeals to me in many ways.  At first, I felt bad looking into the school (i.e. sending an inquiry to the program director) because I had already made up my mind to apply to two programs on the East Coast and my family and girlfriend are positively exasperated with my indecisiveness in choosing a program through which to get my MFA.  However, it's just as Hannah's father said; 'If you're going to put money into getting a useless degree, make sure it's the useless degree that you want.'  I counter by saying that an arts degree is only useless financially; for the soul it is the most nourishing of any course of study.  But it was good advice for in the end this is completely my decision and it would be an injustice to myself to settle for something less than the perfect fit - or a fit as close to perfect as possible.  And as my own father says, 'chose the one that will benefit you the most.'  There are perks to all three institutions and it looks like I will be applying to all three.  In the event that all three accept me (my ego says, 'of course they will' and my common sense says, 'not likely') I will make a secondary list of pros and cons and decide which is truly the best fit for me as a writer.

Solstice MFA @ PMC will cost approximately $27,455 including residencies and an extra $2,500 for airfare bringing the subtotal to an approximation of $29,955.  This program is a two year program (five residencies) and offers scholarships as well as auditing of classes during residencies.  It also has a great deal of opportunities for post grads.  If accepted I may be able to start in January but that is not guaranteed.  Cross genre study.  Does not offer screenplay writing.

Queens will cost approximately $26,380 plus any extra fees for residencies and an extra $2,500 for air fare bringing the subtotal up to approximately $28,880.  This program is a two year (five residencies) and offers scholarships.  It does not offer auditing but allows for guests to attend readings during residencies.  If accepted I will be able to start in January most likely.  Double genre focus.  Offers screenplay writing.

RWW MFA @ PLU will cost $31,720 for the entire program including four residencies with an additional $400 for travel via Optimus Prime (my loyal Kia), bringing the total to $32,120.  This is a three year program with four residencies.  It offers scholarships, fellowships, and need based financial aide.  I do not know about auditing but I will be asking.  No set genre - fluid genre program.  Does not offer screenplay writing.

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