Saturday, May 4, 2013

Handle With Care

I wrote this a while back and stumbled upon it while reworking some pieces for my mentor.  This, as well as several other pieces, were written using simple words as inspiration.  The word that inspired this story was 'HANDLE.'  In some stories I used the inspirational word quite literally and in this one, 'handle' plays a small yet intimate role.  I am posting this story here because of Christine's request for prosibots/sexy bots.  This is as close as I have at the moment.  Please enjoy some first person nonsense.  I am open to critique. 

Unedited confession of a Mr. Edward J. Hook, accountant for the Leviathan Rights Law Firm, transcribed directly from the audio files recorded on the night of his arrest:

Before I begin, I need to explain I’m not like most men my age.  I’m almost thirty-one and still unmarried.  How can that be, you might ask.  Very precariously, I might respond.  You see, five years ago I was selected, based on my genetics profile, to be the husband of a charming young woman from overseas.  I rejected the selection.  You might be surprised to hear that such a rejection can take place.  Let me tell you, it wasn’t easy.  The only way to get out of a government mandated marriage is to have one partner or the other die before the ceremony takes place, or generate a certificate of sterility from a licensed health practitioner.  I did the latter.  And it was a fraud.  I’m not infertile; I have a perfectly healthy reproductive system.  I just happened to have a good friend in the medical field who owed me a favor.  And why would I do this?  Why would I submit a fraudulent paper to the authority rather than take a beautiful bride as my own?

Well, when it comes right down to it I’m what the old books would call a homosexual.  You might have thought we were weeded out of existence but as it turns out there’s quite a few of us hiding amongst the normal men and women that make up the ebb and flow of society.  I, myself, have personally met four other men like me.  They were all married of course, but they often spent extended weekends together on what their wives supposed were golfing trips.  They invited me to come along with them on one of these trips and while my eager young libido nearly made me say ‘yes,’ I just didn’t fancy the whole gay orgy scene.  Just because I want to have sex with men didn’t mean I wanted to have sex with more than one man at a time and it didn’t mean I necessarily wanted to have sex with those men.  I fancied myself a rather selective creature.  I felt like I’d been patient and I’d waited and I’d obeyed the government in all constraints of the law – forgiving of course the falsified statement of sterility – and I deserved to reap some freaking rewards!  And that’s just what happened, out of the blue, it seemed, there was a solution to all my troubles. 

I first saw the ad on the way home from the office.  Normally, I practice the ancient art of perfect seclusion and indifference when on the subway but on this particular day in question I happened to have a case of the wandering eyes and that’s how I saw it.  It was on the cover of one of those magazines the young ones tend to read.  There were two headlines: ‘Dress your best for success,’ and ‘Philistine Technologies can improve your sex life, try out your very own Adult Intimacy Doll today!’  So when I got home, I spent a good four hours on the internet looking up everything there was to know about these Dolls.  The most interesting fact that I learned was that anyone over the age of 18 could purchase one and the government didn’t dictate whether or not you had to buy a female if you were male, or a male if you were female.  You could purchase whatever you wanted.  And I wanted a man.  Pure and simple.

There were various models to chose from, each coming with an attached name.  They were all very handsome and I found myself after a while just fixating on the name rather than the appearance.  I would call out ‘Kevin,’ or ‘Alex,’ or ‘Justin,’ and see how it sounded in my mouth.  And I hope this doesn’t shock you too much, but I would also masturbate and practice calling out a specific name when I reached climax.  I really wanted it to feel organic, you know.  I wanted a name that rolled off my tongue like a perfect fit and at the end of a week of experimenting I finally decided on Michael.  It just felt right, not to mention the model was positively gorgeous what with his lean physique, pale pretty skin with blushing capability and his nice dark hair and heartbreaking blue eyes.  Not to sound shallow, but if all you have is a name and a picture to go by then you go for the name that fits your mouth and the picture that fits your fantasies.  That’s just how it is.  The next step, of course, was selecting the personality profile.

The romantic in me wanted to select the ‘shy courtier’ and top it off with a spanking complex, but the sexually repressed virgin in me wanted the ‘eager pleaser’ complete with shameless lust and heightened loyalty.  In the end I decided to compromise between the two and ordered ‘rugged wooer’ with nervous tendencies and ultra sensitivity.  I suppose it goes without saying but there was also a clause stating that if I wasn’t satisfied that I could order a reprogramming specialist to come out to the house and wipe the brain drive of previous commands and try something else.  But since I was a single man ordering a male Adult Intimacy Doll for homosexual use, I didn’t really see a home visit by a government official as an option.  No, I’d make my selection and then if things ever became rough, we’d just do what real couples did; we’d work to work it out.

Just like a child on Christmas I waited with baited breath for the next six days after placing my order and when Michael finally arrived I was so anxious and beside myself that I almost signed the wrong name on the acceptance slip that the delivery man held out to me.  How embarrassing.  With utter delight I stepped aside while the delivery man wheeled in the large metal casing.  I licked my lips in nervousness and read the large red writing on the side of the parcel: HANDLE WITH CARE.  Oh, yes, I thought, I’ll handle him with great care.

When the outer walls of the metal casing had been removed, I found that my Adult Intimacy Doll was housed in a large wooden box that somewhat resembled a coffin as it tapered toward the head and feet.  Despite the morbidity of the situation I couldn’t help but feel butterflies in my stomach.  I was about to meet Michael.  I was about to meet my lover.  Would he like me?  Would he be confused?  Did he already know my name?  How much was preprogrammed and how much would I have to install? 

Reaching forward I removed the front of the box and took a deep breath.  Michael was no longer an idea, no longer a picture on the internet; he was a person and he was right here in my living room!  He seemed to be nothing more than asleep as I looked upon him, standing there, clothed modestly in a tank top and jeans, his arms and torso strapped into the box just like an action figure with little twist ties holding its limbs in place.  I went to work right away, removing the straps and freeing him from the coffin, all the while I let my hands gently caress all exposed skin, feeling its realistic texture.  I wondered if he would always be as cold as he was right now, or if, when he was activated, he would somehow warm up and feel even more like a real person. 

There was an instruction manual and I devoured it as if it were a pulp magazine filled with smut and gore.  Every little detail of it exhilarated me and I couldn’t wait to activate him.  It said in the instructions that there was a special chip which allotted for the android to take on the characteristics of free will and it gave a detailed diagram of how to engage this chip in the brain drive.  Mostly it was just punching in numbers on a remote pad.  It was advised however that you get to know your android first before engaging this chip.  But I was too eager.  So, as I punched in the initiation codes and start up module, I went ahead and input the fifteen digit sequence that would grant Michael a free thinking mind and a will all his own.  Perhaps I should have waited, but, in all honesty, I felt I’d waited quite long enough.

The entire set up process took about half an hour and by the time I finally pressed the activation key, I was terrified that my trembling fingers had made hundreds of mistakes and that I would end up with something more akin to Frankenstein’s Monster than the ideal lover.  Thankfully that wasn’t the case.  No, Michael was perfect from the get go from the moment he opened those beautiful eyes clear up to his first word, which was my name.  “Edward,” he said with a smooth crisp voice and cocked his head inquisitively.  It was a cute motion and made the word look like a question, but, let me assure you, he hadn’t said my name as a question; it was a statement, a little uncertain, but a statement nonetheless and I felt like he somehow knew me already, like he’d been dreaming of me the same way I’d been dreaming of him. 

It was the second word however that shattered all illusions.  “Disengage,” he said in a computerized tone, completely different than the rich deep tone with which he’d said my name.  It was such an atrocious sound, this word of ‘disengage’ coming from his lips and the last bit of the word lagged on until with a little beeping sound he completely shut down.  His eyes closed, his shoulders slumped and it was a miracle that he remained standing at all. 

No.  I walked closer to the box, reached inside and cupped his cheek.  No.  He couldn’t be defunct, he just couldn’t be!  What the hell had I pressed?  What the hell had I done to him?  In a crazed panic I went back to the instruction manual and poured over each page.  I paused when it mentioned that powering down was part of the installation process for the free will chip and that it could last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.  How had I missed this before?  How long was Michael going to be like this?  I was distraught and had I been thinking logically I would have just made myself some tea and settled down in front of the television and waited but no, I broke down.  It didn’t matter that the directions said this was normal; I was just sure I’d broken him somehow, killed him somehow and damn it he was already in a coffin!  How freaking perfect!  I sobbed.  I just curled up on the couch and sobbed.   It wasn’t pretty. 

In fact I was so wrapped up in my self misery that I was positively oblivious.  I didn’t even notice the soft touch to my shoulder until I heard his voice again this time asking a question with no mistake, “What’s wrong, Edward?” 

I jerked my head up and looked into those shimmering blue eyes.  He was smiling at me.  Smiling! He was okay, he was alive!  Well, as alive as an android can be, I suppose.  For several seconds I just stared up at him, unsure of what to say, hesitant to say the wrong thing and leave a bad first impression, but as he sat beside me and took my hand in his, I knew I needed to say something. 

“You’re okay?”  I asked.

He laughed and tilted his head, “That’s what I was going to ask you.  You were really crying your eyes out there.  I was worried that it was buyer’s remorse.” 

“What?”  I blinked and then shook my head quickly.  “No, nothing like that!  I thought you were broken, or rather, that I had broken you.  I, uh… I installed the fre-"

“Free will chip.  Yes I know.”  He said and shot me a dashing grin.  “And can I just say, I’m mighty glad you did that.  It’s really a miraculous chip.  It allows for all the preset data and information that’s been shoved into my brain drive to make logical connections and permit me some degree of self awareness.  See, I’ve been in the factory for a while, long enough to overhear certain things.  I know that in most cases when a new owner obtains an A.I.D. they tend to back away from the free will chip thinking it’ll make their unit obstinate or otherwise unmanageable, but the truth is, even in the short time since you activated mine, I just can’t imagine functioning without it.” 

“You’re…” I swallowed the lump in my throat, “you’re very straight forward.”

“Yes.  That’s one of the speculations you desired as I understand.  The ‘rugged wooer’ personality type tends not to beat around the bush.  I know what I am, I know why you bought me, I know what’s expected of me and I have volumes of data in my brain drive that’ll allow me accomplish this.” 

“But… how do you know that I… I mean how are you so sure of what I want?  How do you know there’s not a wife in the other room waiting to make love to you?”

“I’ve been listening to you since I arrived and I’ve heard your little mutterings and frustrations.  I heard your panic when I had to power down.  Just because my outward circuits were shut off doesn’t mean that I lacked the ability to receive information.  My ears don’t work quite like yours, Edward, but they do work and they work constantly.  I’ve been gathering data ever since the engineer at the Philistine plant inserted my learning capacity drive.  I don’t know that the engineers realize this though, otherwise they wouldn’t make such snarky comments about us while we’re still in the finishing stages.”

“I see.”  I said and tried to fathom and grasp everything he was telling me.  It was a lot to take in. 

“But enough about me,” he chuckled and gave my hand a soft squeeze and I could feel that his flesh had warmed from its prior chilled state, it felt so natural, so perfect. “I would like to hear more about you, since it’s your fantasies I’m here to fulfill.”

“N-not just mine,” I corrected him, “I want this to be a mutual thing, you know, I want to know what sorts of things you’d like, too.”  I smiled at him in illustration of my sincerity.

“That’s decidedly decent of you, Edward.”  He looked thoughtful a moment.  “I should like time to think of a scenario that pleases me.”

“Of course,” I nodded shyly.  “And besides we’ll need some time to get to know each other… I mean, I wouldn’t expect you to just-“

But I was cut off rather suddenly as he pressed forward and took my mouth in a heated kiss.  I felt heat rise to my face and I’m a little ashamed to admit that I pushed him back.  It was my first kiss after all.  Breathing quickly I stammered, “S-sorry, I just…”

“My apologies,” he whispered, “I thought this is what you wanted.”  He looked sad.

“Oh!  I do!  Trust me I want this I just… um… I’ve never done anything like this before.”

“Neither have I,” Michael replied and smiled again.  “But I’ve been thinking about kissing you for a long time now.”

“H-how long?”  I asked.  It was a stupid question but it was the first thing that came to mind.

“Ever since the free will chip rebooted my system,” he replied and then went on to elaborate: “Five minutes and forty-three seconds to be exact.”  His lips pulled into a smile and he whispered, “Forty-five seconds now.”

“That doesn’t seem like a very long time.”  Again it was a stupid thing to say but this android, this man, caught me completely of guard and left me feeling exposed and vulnerable.  I supposed that was part of the rugged wooer matrix, to make one’s quarry feel tender and naked even when fully clothed and sitting nonchalantly in the living room.

“But time is relative.  For a human that might not seem very long, but for someone like me, it’s a small eternity of waiting.”

“Oh.”  I chuckled nervously, “I guess you’re right.”

“Perhaps.  But I could be wrong,” he reached up and caressed my face, his fingers tracing my jaw line and then brushing over my lips, “I do have the capacity for error.  You unleashed more than a free thinking individual when you installed the free will chip.  What you’ve created in me is a true partner, someone capable of affection and independent desire, but also capable of worry and erroneous logic.  For instance, at this very moment I’m feeling a strong urge to kiss you again and yet I won’t because I’m worried that you’ll like me less for it.  And that could very well be an incorrect assumption.  In fact I have high hopes that it is.”

“Well… um…” I licked my lips, “I guess the only way to know for sure is to try.”  Was I being coy?  Yes, I most certainly was!

“Trial and error.  Interesting solution.”  He chuckled again and it was a sweet melodious sound, “Yes, I think you and I will get along just fine, Edward.”  And with that he pressed forward again, his soft lips taking mine for the second time, this time however I didn’t push him away.   

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