Monday, November 4, 2013

Because today is one of those days...

Woke up ahead of the alarm and saw the sun outside (well, to be fair, it was more like a dim overcast glow) and freaked out thinking I'd missed my early morning work meeting.  I didn't.  So I got up, got dressed, fought my way through hungry kitties to the door, and headed to work.  The meeting was fine.  It was when I got home that things turned into 'one of those days.'  First, in my help-helperton way, I decided to empty the kitty litter trash can.  We have a small lidded trash can next to the litter box that we add to several times a day until it becomes halfway full, then we take out and put in fresh bags, you get the drill.  Anyway, it was particularly full today so I took the whole trash can with me to the dumpster and was going to toss just the sack inside but, of course, it all slipped out of my hands and my cute little trashcan went plop right on in.  And of course the dumpster was perfectly empty meaning that my little can lay at about five feet out of my reach.

I went back into the house, grabbed a broom and then spent a good five minutes wrangling my trashcan back out.  No problem.  So far so good.  But... today is a cooking day.  On our kitchen counter is a serving tray that holds all coffee filters, containers, powdered creamers, and other coffee accessories.  (Eh-hem, I sell coffee and coffee accessories?)  Anyway, apparently something spilled at some point (who knows what it was: chicken fluids?  flour?  rotted coffee?) and when Hannah went to move the serving tray there was a slime spot between it and the counter that could double as a biological weapon!  I made a vinegar/water/lemon spray to try and wash away the stench and during the process I gagged so hard so I was physically ill afterwards.  With that atrocity finally taken care of, Hannah went on a hunt for two very large mixing bowls.  We found them.  One was broken all the way through.  Add that bowl to the trash and replace it with a huge dutch over and we are finally, nearly ready to start baking.

In other news, I wrote a sex scene this morning (contrary to what you may believe, it has nothing to do with tentacles). It's super short and I'm hoping it will play into my NaNoWriMo novel eventually.  I've decided that this novel will be used for my workshop this upcoming spring and that I'll keep Death Man primarily between me and my mentors, that is, unless I get to a point where I feel I need more feedback.  Right now it's just a matter of writing it all down and working out plot kinks and characterizations.  I wish I didn't have a job to worry about right now because all I want to do is write and it's been a while since I've had such intense drive to just write, write, write.  It's exciting to go to work and daydream all day about my characters.  I hope this feeling continues long into December so that I can carry it with me to the Residency and use the few days when I have nothing going on to continue plucking away at both my stories.


  1. That spot was so stinky! I wonder if it was left over from when Nancy spilled coffee? I am sorry you didn't get to really write much yesterday. Hopefully, you'll be able to write some tonight.

  2. Wow, that octopus is really going to town! The look on his face! xD

    1. As per the new rules this year >< I had to take the picture down. *sadness*
