Sunday, May 25, 2014

Inspired by Skeleton Dude

I talked with my boss.  My lack of hours are not a reflection of my job performance or anything like that.  It's just scheduling issues.  So I'm both relieved and annoyed.  I love having the time off, but desperately need to the money.  But that's okay.  I'll be back at the plasma place this next week, which works out just fine since I will have a crap ton of reading to do.

On another note: I wanted to share some art.  Hannah and I were looking at an Erotica Fantasy Art book at Hastings the other day (honestly the majority of it was crappy 3-D renderings that were less fantasy and more gratuitous nudity).  But as we pawed through a few really sexy digital pieces stood out.  The artist listed was Aleksandra Marchocka.  I'm all about spreading the word for budding artists and I really enjoyed this person's work.  Below is probably my favorite of her work pieces.  It wasn't featured in the erotic fantasy book.  This is something I found on my own doing image searches.

The reason I'm so incredibly drawn to this picture is because it is pretty much a perfect representation of the relationship in my Death Man novel between the title character and the Blood Squaw, Scarlet.  The characters don't look like the ones in the picture - not even close - but the emotion and the overall impression is a perfect match.  I love that in this picture, this big strong, wicked looking skeleton dude is so freaking innocent and tender.  His hand is behind his back but I don't suspect him of holding a knife, or an ax, or of even crossing his fingers.  I imagine speech bubbles for this picture would go something like this:  Skeleton Dude - "I picked this flower for you.  I left the roots though.  Figured you'd appreciate that."

I think at least for one workshop I'm going to revamp the scene in the novel where Death Man and Scarlet first meet.  I'm fond of dysfunctional characters and they are about as dysfunctional as they come.  It's not a particularly happy scene (he's just killed a pregnant woman as part of his training and he's having a bit of a crisis) but let's just say, Scarlet brings out the best in him.


  1. This picture is adorable, and I think you're 100% right about his motives.

    Also, I know that work feel. I wish I could never go to work, so I could know I had time to do everything I want to/feel like I need to, but then having money is nice...but it's also good to know that the low hours has nothing to do with you. Though I personally would never think it was, I know you like your job and you're a good worker. :)

    Yay workshop piece! I can't wait to pass them in on Tuesday and have it feel like an eternity before they all get sent out! Today I'm giving mine a final fix-up.

  2. It's really cute! I think you should not only finish but revamp the whole book during the editing process! It;s a good story and I want to see it on the shelves at Hasting's and B&N!
