Wednesday, May 21, 2014

On the Eve of the Last Packet of my Critical Thesis

Tomorrow I send in what is most likely my final draft of my critical thesis. There is always the chance that I'll have a few more little edits after, but I'm very excited to be done with this. I've enjoyed the learning process and I reckon I have a quite a bit more awareness toward world building and world creativity than I ever did before. That being said, life has been one long procrastination after another. Once this paper is done I'm going to have to work my ass off on a few things: firstly I need to finalize what I'm sending in for workshop, secondly I need to go to town working on the creative thesis. At this point I'm not even sure I'm going to use Death Man (I will be finishing it someday, I swear! I just don't know that it's what I want to use as my thesis for school). I might use 'The Summer of August Hunt' for my thesis as it is more magical realism and would require all the delicacy in world building as any fantasy or Dystopian I could conceive of. But then there's all of these semi-YA novels that I really and truly want to write. If I had money and time I would go back for another MFA this time with an emphasis in YA literature. But then I'd have to write another critical thesis... and no. Just no. One is more than enough.

Aside from working on homework (working on and avoiding homework, I should say), I've been keeping busy with a variety of things. In lieu of bogging up this blog post with ginormous paragraphs, I've elected to put it all into list form! Enjoy.
  • My best friend moved to Coeur d'Alene. This of course means there has been much watching of Jeremy Wade (River Monsters) and horror films, fun adventures in gluten free cooking, and lots of silliness all around. I helped her get a bed (via my awesome boss who had a spare she gave away for free). Pretty soon, we're hoping to start doing some good old Dungeons and Dragons. No, we still haven't pierced our nips but that may have to wait as Hannah and I both donate to BioLife and my best friend wants to start going as well - so eventually we'll use some of the money we get from donating to get them babies pierced, hehe.
  • We had a yard sale! Got rid of a bunch of stuff and pretty much organized the garage. Want to know what Hannah and I have in the garage? Probably two storage tubs of collectible and sentimental goodies and then tons of boxes of books and records. Yep. Aside from the few things in our room, our life is vinyl and literature. We are a simple folk with very bulky needs.  

  • I applied at four places (Post Office, Target, North Idaho College, and Emeritus Senior Living) as a way to perhaps get a second job or trade up for a better paying one. The first two on the list have already turned me down. Here's hoping for NIC.  I really, really want to work at the college and get my foot in the door to post secondary education.
  • My little computer, Vignette the Vizio, went off, yet again, to be repaired and has been gone for over a month in a clusterfuck beyond words. First they wouldn't fix it (they said it had ants, but later told me there were no ants, said it was past warranty, then later said they'd fix it or get me a new one because of phantom ants, the list goes on), and now they are on my side to some degree and trying to fix it but first they have to replicate the problem. The problem is that it randomly turns off while I'm using it. Which means they are going to have a hell of a time trying to replicate the problem. I have... some hope that I'll get a new computer, but mostly I'm worried this is just going to be an ongoing issue and I should just throw in the towel. A five-hundred dollar towel.
  • I'm getting all set for my fourth residency at Pine Manor College and I still need to finalize all the plans for graduation. I can't write about it too much yet as it's supposed to be a surprise but, in the end, I may tell my friend E all about it and see what she thinks. She's going to be one of the graduates and I gotta tell you, I don't like this whole graduating and moving on business not one bit! But the good news there is that she is still in the area and when I go back for my fifth residency we are going to hang out and bring mischief to the table like a couple of cute Lokis!
  • A group of us (Hannah, C, J, and I) attended a fantastic May Day/Beltane celebration at the start of May and not only did we get to dance around the maypole, we got to take part in a wonderful ritual. Part of the ritual was sort of couples oriented (they did a special thing for singles, too!) and so Hannah and I went up and lit candles together and these candles are meant to keep our relationship ignited and all that good stuff. It was really quite nice. Oh, and we bought a crap ton of books! And I bought tarot cards for like seven dollars (a brand new set) that go for over eighty bucks on Amazon.  
  • Next month we're going on a camping trip with our group from Beltane. We'll be going to Riverside State Park and if we really like it we may be going back a few more times this summer with other friends who can't make it this time around. I love camping. I seriously freaking love camping and this is going to be a real treat for me. 
  • Game of Thrones marathon. Three seasons. Nuff said.  
For the rest of tonight I've got a good amount of homework to get done. I was out of my medicine for a while and yesterday was a truly awful day full of weeping and feeling sorry for myself and feeling so incredibly unfocused I could hardly function. But today has been much, much better. After I get this packet sent off and after I get all my workshop materials ready and sent off I will be in good shape for the residency and I will be in good shape emotionally. I hope. Already I think this residency will be a much happier one. I'm excited to spend time with my Residency Wife and all our friends and to make new friends. I can't wait to see my mentors again and get them to sign some books for me and I'm super excited to look for someone to be my final mentor. That's all I've got for now. Mainly I wanted to prove I'm still alive.


  1. First, I'm with you on the YA degree - if we could somehow get a pass on the critical thesis ( and maybe some free money to pay for it), I'd so be there.

    I know you'll find another/better job. I have a feeling about it. :)

    Waaaah graduation, but I will definitely spend all the time I can at school with you in January!

    Lame-o computer people. Get it together, already.

    Fuck I need to watch "Game of Thrones."

    1. LOL yes to all of that <3 *hugs* and I think you will really love Game of Thrones ^_^
