Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The To Do List

Because all procrastinators need a hobby... this is mine.  Lists.   And a running commentary on those lists.  Also I'm going to strike through each item every time one of the following items is completed.  So it will be a great visual motivator.  And also because the beginning of October finds me in a ridiculously busy situation.  I'm going to add a few things that have already been done just to make me feel better and those are as follows:
  • renew car tags on Hannah's jeep
  • get a print out from Walmart pharmacy on all med costs for Hannah and me
  • get a print out of the receipt for Vignette
Next up are the things that I have to finish tonight and tomorrow morning for my MFA packet.  Everything here is in progress but until I get the final look through and look over by mom or Hannah then I'm not striking it out.  
  • cover letter
  • craft analysis on Graham Greene's novels
  • synopsis of story (as far as I can go)
  • creative work (first scene expanded, short story, Simon chapter)
Next are the things that have to be done soon, like by Friday if possible.  They will require some running around but as Hannah's jeep is now legal, no sweat.  
  • get print out from Medicine Man in CDA
  • get print out from Legacy Clinic (formerly Dirne clinic)
  • print out recent bank statements and cover sheets with acct number etc
  • print out work verification sheet and get it signed by my boss
  • contact Vizio again and do follow up with a scan of the receipt
And the next are things I have to do within the next week.  By the time my anniversary comes around (the 13th for all who wanted to know) I need to have these things finished.
  • Heart of the Matter - Graham Greene
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
  • One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
  • The Dead (Dubliners) - James Joyce
  • at least two thousand fresh words on Death Man
  • get well enough to donate plasma again
This is all very imminent and it wouldn't have piled up so intensely if it hadn't been for two things: one, my laptop went kaput and I'm using old Commodore and while this didn't ruin anything really it's put a huge snag in the operation.  Two, I got sick.  So very sick.  Disgustingly sick.  I even had to call in from work on Tuesday and you know I'm sick if I call in on a Tuesday.  I love Tuesday!  I live for Tuesday!  I haven't missed a stock day in probably three or four months.  I'll be back to work on Friday and can pick up the pieces of a stock day missed but it just won't be the same.  The only things I have going on in October that should detract from MFA or work are my anniversary and Halloween.  The rest of the time, I expect I'll be quite busy getting the next packet ready.  It's due on the 30th!  And also I need to keep pushing along on whatever I want to submit to the workshop this time around.  I want to do something with Von's prompt and I might also want to do something... naughty.  My poor MFA-mates have read lots of my gross and bloody stuff.  It might be a treat for them to read something sensual and fun.  Maybe something dark and erotic.  Who knows.  But also in October, Hannah and I have taken a pledge to write at least a page a day.  I'll probably have to whip out considerable more than a page a day to get all my ducks in a row.   Ducks in a row.  Really?  Nothing better than ending on a cliche.  

1 comment:

  1. You can do it! I will make sure you do it, even if that means that I have to lock your Mom in her bedroom or something. LOL
