Sunday, July 6, 2014

Fourth of July and Other News

Yesterday, I worked all day long and wished our fifteen-ish customers a Happy Fourth.  I wanted to go to a Blue's Concert in Liberty Lake after work but we had a crazy late customer and by the time my boss and I finally got out of there, I was pretty much dead.  So I headed to my Aunt's house for some Polish Horseshoes, lots of nummy food, and good times with my two younger boy cousins.  They are both really fun and they really like Hannah and I.  We want to take them camping sometime this summer but it's just finding time.  The younger of the two, he's sixteen, really wants to hang out and has a very dry wit.  He told me as we were leaving, "seriously, we need to all hang out this summer, just the four of us, we can get drunk, or murder someone, I don't care, we just need to hang out."  It was kind of adorable.

Today I went to a potluck/water fight with the IEPG.  We had a good time.  It was very low key.  I had planned on playing with the kids and getting all soaked but I ended up spending my time chatting with the adults.  We brought donut holes because I'm a doofus and didn't buy the ingredients in time for what I had wanted to bring.  The kids really enjoyed the donuts though so it was all good.

In other news, our kitty Yoda is essentially on Hospice care.  He's an old diabetic baby that seems to have failing kidneys.  It will be a bad, bad day when he finally goes, but in the mean time we are going to cuddle and love him to bits.

In other, other news, I'm getting ready for the residency.  I leave on Wednesday.  I'm nervous and excited and still have quite a bit to do.  It seems I am always 'almost' ready but never fully prepared.  I know that this time around it's also because I'm so scared about the fact that many of my friends are graduating.  I want to extend this whole program out another couple of years just to cling to certain people including mentors.  I can't believe that in January I will be graduating.  Maybe.  If I can get a good solid thesis done and ready to go.  Hah!  It's very much go-time for me, but I think I'll be okay.  I know what I need and that's more library time.  For some reason I'm very productive at the library.  I think it shall become my home away from home once more this next semester.  My last semester.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I'm always "almost ready," too. I still have 2 books to read, have to find stuff for David's class, AND pick what I'm doing for my reading. Ewwwww I need more time. >_< I can't wait for you to be out here, though! And don't worry, we will have fun jaunts in the snow in January, for I will take off as much time as I can to go to school. :D
