Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Sherlock, Uglies, and Vignette Rises from the Dead!

Today was a busy day.  I called Geico and got my policy changed from 'broke car' to 'running car' and then spent about an hour talking to a very helpful woman at Vizio repair.  I've sent in my computer to the factory where they gave her a new motherboard, then I reset the battery, and today, guided by the woman on the phone, I reset Vignette back to factory settings.  Twice. Because the first time I fucked up my wireless by deleting shit I shouldn't have.  Moving right along.  She is now alive and running and I'm getting her back the way I want her - all that remains to be seen is if her little 'spontaneous shut down' problem is truly fixed or not.  Time will tell.  I just hope if she's fubar that she shows it soon because my warranty runs out in April and I don't have the money to just arbitrarily get another computer.

After the reset, Hannah and I went to the library and did some serious reading.  I read about a hundred pages of Scott Westerfeld's The Uglies.  I had to leave with only ten pages left!  I had to go to work for an hour meeting.  We're getting quite the variety of new bras in the next few months and I'm pretty excited about that, but mostly during the meeting I just keep thinking about the damn book and wondering how Westerfeld planned to wrap up the enormous clusterfuck that the characters had gotten into.  When I got home, I quickly finished it and realized... oh... he didn't wrap it up.  Not really.  He ended it in such a way that you have to go and get the next book!  Which I will be doing soon.  Not right away because I have lots of other stuff to read for this semester, but that clever little author has made it pretty much impossible for me not to keep going.

Cursing at the book under my breath - and apparently in loud overtures as well - I had some dinner and then the girlfriend and I settled on the bed for some BBC Sherlock.  We finished the second season tonight.  It was really great.  I didn't think I would be such a Sherlock girl but in the end, I have found it to be ridiculously enjoyable.  I also love that each season is only three episodes long - this allows me to indulge in a full season while not having to be completely and utterly unavailable for other things.  Like, well, homework.  Speaking of homework, my mentor sent me her response to my first packet and it was a wonderful and insightful response that was filled with pretty much exactly what I needed to hear to make me feel better about moving forward with the critical thesis and my creative work.  I think, if I buckle down and really do what I set out to do, this will be a great semester for me.


  1. I'm glad both your car and you laptop are working...and I really hope that if your laptop is going to die, it does indeed do so before your warranty is up!

    Damn I need to start watching Sherlock, and reading "The Uglies," and doing lots of other things....

    Yay for good critical thesis feedback! You can do it! :D

    1. I sure hope I can do it LOL - I'm already getting really excited about a few of the books - I just feel bad cause so many are YA >< but honestly pffft that doesn't matter because it's the world building techniques that I'm looking at and YA or adult doesn't matter. At least I hope not LOL and I'm thinking I'm just going to use three or four at the very most. 35 pages isn't enough space for six books >< lol.
