Wednesday, August 24, 2016

1 of Royals, 2 of Pentacles, 3 of Everything

Today I did the tarot a little differently. I called up Fiona and had her draw a card  for me from her Deviant Moon Tarot deck while we were on the phone. It seems even at a distance the Pentacles have a thing or 'two' to say. Fiona drew the Two of Pentacles of course. 

Two of Pentacles — Upright: with great effort you can maintain balance and harmony in your life. It’s difficult to keep all your plates spinning but you can do it. You could be waiting for results of exams or medical tests. Reversed: you are just too busy. Stressed out, spreading yourself too thin, you are heading for disaster. Implement some time management and ditch unnecessary commitments.
My interpretation of the card for today: I am struggling to find balance between work and home life and balance between adulting and childing. I love to play. I would play all day everyday if I could. But then things reach a point where I have to stop and just clean and cleanse and meditate in stillness. It is difficult to find balance in this because for me, loud play is just as healing as quiet contemplation. I suppose the biggest balancing act for me though, is the balance between day dream and action. Often I spend time day dreaming of stories and novels and do a great deal of plotting, story-boarding, what-if-ing, and composing while zoning off into other worlds. But it's important to come back to this world sometimes so you can tell others of the wonders you've seen. I spend hours daydreaming. This wouldn't be so bad if I could balance it with action. 

Today's August Break prompt was three. Behold the threes of Downtown Spokane and the Spokesman-Review building. There is even a shot of me in the list (I wore my Three of Swords shirt today and even that didn't help break me from the Pentacles). 

"....and baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule..... like Amanda LaFantasie."

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