Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Leaf(s) and Black Cats

Today I stopped to smell the leaves. Or at least photograph some of them. In order they are as follows: pumpkin leaf, pumpkin flower, pumpkin flower monochrome, Marigolds and Sage, pretty tree on the corner of Riverside and Lincoln, leaves gathered along the curb on Riverside, pumpkin leaf in the afternoon.

Onward to the tarot reading for today! I used the Black Cats Tarot by Lo Scarebo and Maria Kuara. While sitting down in the break room at work today I drew the 8 of Pentacles/Coins. The picture is of a huge cake and a cute black cat chef decorating it. But that wasn't enough for me today so I drew a companion card to help me form an interpretation. Below are the Lo Scarebo meanings.
8 of Pentacles: Ability--Ability is acquired with experience. We need a teacher to patiently teach us the tricks of the trade. Where can we find one? Inside or outside of ourselves? 
7 of Pentacles: Patience--Patience, time, and protection are necessary for our projects to take shape. We must progress with love and protect them from dangers.

My interpretation: Today was a day to think about jobs and work. The first card speaks not only of mastering skills, but of expressing one's creativity. The wall represents the challenges we face in trying to hone our skills. But there is reaping when one understands and puts into practice good work ethic. While that is all true and all good to know, I felt that I needed a bit more information to form an idea of what the cards were trying to tell me today. So I drew the second card which features the seated feline and the guarded garden. This one talks of patience. Which is also mentioned in the first card. Patience and hard work. And both will pay off.

I've spent a lot of time recently trying to make the future bend to my own will. As evidenced by  yesterday's reading, I obviously need to spend more time in the now. If I really want to hone my craft or bring a project to fruition, I can't keep thinking about the 'after.' I have to think about the now. Today I need to take a step in the right direction. I've have teachers from without and now I need the teacher from within. Even if all I do is something small, I should do it. The only way to climb a ladder is one step at a time. And to recite my newly adopted mantra: do something, even if it's wrong. And even if it's very small. Create the end result you want by nurturing the process in the now.

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